Rhodes 19


Designed over 50 years ago by Philip Rhodes, the Rhodes 19 is an exciting, one-design sailboat that offers both great family day sailing and competitive racing. The Rhodes 19 Class Association has been actively supporting Rhodes 19 sailors, events, and regattas for over 30 years.

The Hull Yacht Club's Rhodes 19 fleet together with the Hingham Yacht Club's Rhodes 19 fleet combine to represent Fleet 46 with a total fleet of approximately 30 racing boats.


Rhodes 19 racing on Hull and Hingham Bay is an extremely popular event.  Racing is held on Thursday nights with a scattering of weekend regattas and always followed by a pot-luck dinner on the porch to recount strategy, congratulate winners and do a bit of trash talking.  Here's a brief recap of the 2024 season:

We had thirty-two registered Rhodes 19s in Fleet 46 this year, with sixteen race days and a total of forty-two races completed over the season, including two Saturday regattas, “A Regatta to Be Named Later” and “The 26th Anniversary Regatta”.  Our highest Thursday night total saw twenty-four boats on the line and the R19 National Championship attracted thirty-seven teams to Hull Bay from as far away as Northern Wisconsin, Louisiana, and Illinois. Our Thursday night post-race pot-luck dinners were exceptional and helped to foster great Fleet camaraderie.

Our thanks for a great season go out to the Race Committees on both sides of the Bay. Dar and Bill Collins and team from the Hingham Yacht Club and Tom Monti, Jason FradyPaula BroomeDebb CampbellJoel Rosenbaum and Maureen from the Hull Yacht Club who all worked tirelessly to ensure safe, fair and competitive courses throughout the season.

There are two new sheriffs in town (at least until next year) as the team of Joe Berkeley and Dave McGrath in roger that! took line honors in the 14th Annual Grab and Go Regatta season finale. With a LeMans style start and a race that originates in the Hull Yacht Club bar, the Race Committee could only throw up their hands at the many (perceived) infractions recorded throughout the race. Hats (literally) off to Bill Bradford and Dave Curry for running yet another excellent season finale – well done!

Congratulations also to Joe and Dave (with help from part-time crew Kate Richardsson) who took season honors as the Fleet 46 Champions and the Hull YC Thursday Night Champions sailing roger that!.

The Fleet also had the opportunity to honor Maureen and Mike Hebert this season for their many years of dedication, service, and leadership to advance the growth of Fleet 46 and the Hull YC over the last 26 years. We would not be in the position we are in today without their help and tireless efforts on our behalf. There will always be a space on the starting line for Fandango whenever Fleet 46 takes to the Bay.

Thanks also to the skippers and crew of Fleet 46 who put in the effort each week to get out on the Bay and race. Without you, we would not have a Fleet.

We capped off the season with the inaugural presentation by Jeff and Ruthie Binder of the Rebecca Binder Memorial Sportsmanship Award. This annual award is decided by a fleet-wide vote, and honors Rebecca's passion for sailing. Sailing was her happy place, and this award allows the Fleet to continue her legacy by celebrating her spirit of sportsmanship.

For 2024, Jeff and Ruthie were proud to present the award to Clare Guerin who clearly embodies the award’s spirit of fairness, respect, and generosity toward fellow sailors. It was a fitting conclusion to the evening and the 2024 season as loud ovations and cheers of Huzzah! filled the ballroom.


To register your boat on Regattaman, please click here...

To join the Rhodes 19 Fleet 46 email list, please click here.

To view the Rhodes 19 National Class Association website, please click here.