2021 - Racing Summary
2021 Racing Summary, Dan Sullivan, Senior Race Committee Chair
The CDC says that outdoor activity is the best guard against Covid 19 transmission and that prescription just happens to line up perfectly with the desire of Senior Race activity. The major parties and socials didn’t happen but the fun on the water did.
The Laser fleet, the Rhodes 19 fleet and Hingham Bay Racing (HBR) fleets all had active Hull Yacht Club participation. As to noteworthy perspectives on the season, each fleet had wind related issues, either too much or too little. HBR Wednesday cancelled 2 races due to thunderstorms. There’s nothing quite like seeing the bow wave of Harbinger foaming white against a dark grey water and sky horizon as she outran a coming storm. Rhodes sailors had to cancel twice due to high winds and laser sailors had one cancellation for no wind and another for too much.
There are 2 noteworthy individual accomplishments of the summer. The crowning of Steve Clancy as the Rhodes 19 National Champion at an event that took place in Marblehead between Aug. 16- 20, and the crowning of Joe Berkeley as the 110 National Champion are stronger statements about the talent in our club than many might perceive. These two beat former National Champions, and in Joe’s case, beat the man he couldn’t beat in Marblehead. What a difference an event makes. They excelled in an arena that includes Rolex Yachtsman or Woman of the year. In our local waters, we can all buy a 110 or a Rhodes 19 or a Laser, and when you look at the National and World Champions in other classes, many have competed against our members in big events. BTW, be wary of Submitted by Dan Sullivan, Senior Race Committee Chair Charlie trying to seduce you into being a 110 sailor with the 2 club boats we now have.
It has to be noted that Senior Race activity can’t happen without a dedicated crew of people to run the races, ensure proper equipment such as marks are available and see to it that Harbinger is maintained. Tom Monti, Dave Curry, and Bill Bradford served week in and week out as race chairs for the Rhodes 19 and HBR fleets. On the Laser side, John O’Neil and Charlie O’Connor among others traded off RC assignments.
The RC chair is the authority in the running of a race but equal credit is due to the mark boat runners, the scorekeepers, the finish judges, and so on. Jason Frady, Joel Rosenbaum, Paula Broome, Maureen (Mo) Power, and Kate Richardson and her sons, all deserve continuous thanks for their dedication and support.
And support work is the big action behind the race event. When Bill Bradford goes to the house shed to drag out, assess and renew all the racing marks, it’s more than just an hour of time. It’s a service to a greater cause. (Heavenly chorus). When Al Stuart at the age of 80+ and his ally, Harry Chisholm, climb into the bowels of Harbinger to diagnose a flooded bilge, this is not the activity of retired people.
All in all, Senior Racing is alive and well at the Hull Yacht Club.
And, who builds that drive to sail and race well? Bob Foley and others who have taught people to love sailing and keep pursuing it. All in all, the spirit of sailing and racing is alive and well in the Hull YC.